Better than Tempeh: The Borametz

Better than Tempeh: The Borametz

As the world transitions to autumn, let’s take a moment to celebrate this wonderful window between the mad heat of summer and the dark desperation of winter. This week, let’s give ourselves a break; let’s study a monster that does not threaten grievous bodily harm! In...
Down, boy! The Beast of Gévaudan

Down, boy! The Beast of Gévaudan

Ah, France. The lush pastures; the fluffy, drifting clouds; the high-pitched whinny of a calf-sized monster as it rips out your throat in broad daylight. 18th-century France had many worries, but when something in the remote hills of Gévaudan (modern-day Lozère)...
The Bunyip: Swamp Monster of the Down Under

The Bunyip: Swamp Monster of the Down Under

Let’s play a game. What is thirteen feet tall, bipedal, and with scales all over? No idea? Okay, what is snake-like, but with flippers, and black fur all over? Not quite? What is essentially an enormous dog, only aquatic and possibly covered with feathers or featuring...