Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody–

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody–

Sleepovers! Those are a thing that used to happen, back in the days before COVID-19. The ones I experienced growing up were pretty stereotypical. There was ice cream, sleeping bags, attempts to reproduce music videos, and, of course, dares. More often than not, these...


Out of respect for everything happening in the U.S. right now, I’m not going to do a Monster Meet post this month. I stand with my black friends and commit to doing the anti-racist work necessary to move our country forward. Looking for something to read?...
Fantasy man: the Rake

Fantasy man: the Rake

The internet, as we well know, is whack. It offers an unimaginable amount of information, and also an unimaginable amount of B.S. I’m going to be straight with you from the start: the Rake is total B.S. We know where the legend came from. We’re able to track its...